Why is the technique termed as Low Level Laser?
The reason why the technique is termed “Low-Level”, is that the optimum levels of energy density delivered are low when compared to other forms of laser therapy as practiced for ablation, cutting, and thermally coagulating tissue. In general, the power densities used for Low Level Laser Therapy are lower than those needed to produce heating of tissue, i.e., less than 100 mW/cm², depending on wavelength and tissue type.
Is laser (LLLT) therapy scientifically documented?
There are thousands of published studies that describe the positive effects of laser therapy. These studies range from studies on individual cell types to “in vivo” double blind crossover studies. The areas of study range from wound healing to Musculo-skeletal conditions and have been conducted on different types of laser devices. Medline is a very good database search engine that can provide abstracts and can sell literature. There are also many books on the subject.
How deep into tissue can a laser penetrate?
The depth of penetration of laser light depends on many parameters such as the laser’s wavelength, power, type of device driver (pulse or continuous wave mode), and the technique used. Our technology covers all these variables to produce the optimal effect.
Does LLLT (Lapex BCS) emit heat?
Low Level Laser Therapy is a light source treatment that generates light of a single wavelength. Low Level Laser Therapy emits no heat, sound, or vibration. Instead of producing a thermal effect, Low Level Laser Therapy acts via nonthermal or photochemical reactions in the cells, also referred to as photobiological or biostimulatory.
What happens when Low Level Lasers (Lapex BCS) hits the subcutaneous fatty tissue (adipocytes)?
A low-power laser of the semiconductor Diode type, with a 658-nm wavelength, is able to disrupt the external membrane of the fat cell, inducing lipolysis. After 4 minutes of laser exposure, 80% of the fat is released from the adipose cells; at 6 minutes of laser exposure, 99% of the fat is released from the adipocyte. The released fat is then collected in the interstitial space.
What is released when an adipocyte is irradiated with Low Level Laser?
Water, Glycerol and Free Fatty Acid (FFA).
What are Free Fatty Acids and Glycerol?
Free Fatty Acids are the byproducts when an adipocyte is broken and comparable to one of the outcomes of the food digestion process. These acids are described as “Free” because they can be transported in the bloodstream without the aid of any other carriers. Triglyceride is a term that describes a collection of three Fatty Acid molecules bound together with one Glycerol molecule. Each Fatty Acid molecule is an extended chain of carbon and hydrogen atoms. The process of hydrolysis separates the stored fats into its two separate compounds, Fatty Acids and Glycerol. Glycerol has properties similar to alcohol and sugar; after the release by the adipose tissue, the Glycerol is passed through the bloodstream and returned to the liver for a conversion into a useful energy source – Glucose.
What is the average amount of water, Glycerol and free fatty acid released in a Low Level Laser session?
The average fluid release from the fat cells (for each molecule of triglyceride mobilized) is 1 molecule of Glycerol and 3 molecules of Fatty Acids.
Anatomically, where is the fat stored under the skin?
Fat is usually stored in the subcutaneous layer and is located approximately 8mm below the surface of the skin.
How much fat is released from a standard Lapex BCS treatment?
A standard treatment will release about 40–60 grams of fat per treatment.
If fat is released in 6 minutes, then why is the treatment for 10 minutes?
After the initial hydrolysis, some of the Fatty Acids will be reesterified and return to the ‘triglyceride pool’ without ever leaving the adipose tissue cell. So, continued Low Level Laser irradiation is needed.
Where does the Free Fatty Acids & Glycerol go?
Once the Free Fatty Acid leaves the cell, it enters the interstitial space. It is then absorbed by the lymphatic system, bound to the albumin, transported via afferent lymph vessels to the sentinel node, broken down via lipases, and dumped into the circulatory system where the debris can then be processed by the liver (Fatty Acid Oxidation). Some of the Free Fatty Acids are converted to triglycerides in the liver and returned to the plasma. The rate of turnover and metabolic disappearance of Fatty Acids from the plasma is known to be extremely rapid as their half-life in the plasma is about 1½-2½mins. Free Fatty Acids combine with Oxygen to produce energy. The Free Fatty Acids released from adipose tissue can be utilized anywhere there is energy needed within the body. The ultimate destination of the released Fatty Acid is to the mitochondria of the subject’s cells that require energy. The Mitochondria is the powerhouse of every cell. The liberated Glycerol is not utilized again for triglyceride synthesis, can diffuse rapidly into the blood and once passed into circulation undergoes a dilution process. Glycerol will diffuse widely and rapidly throughout the total body water, disappears from the blood stream and appears in urine. The rate of turnover (and the metabolic disappearance of Glycerol from the plasma) is estimated to be about 30mins. Glycerol is hence rapidly excreted in the urine. Additionally, after being released from the adipose tissue, Glycerol is passed through the bloodstream for return to the liver for conversion into a useful energy source – Glucose.
Are there any side effects or contraindications?
No, Lapex BCS is safe and effective low-level laser device. However, the Laser must never be projected directly into the eyes. A physician should be consulted before using The Lapex BCS LipoLaser if the client has any of the following: Pregnancy, Epilepsy, Immuno-suppressive disorders, Thyroid Gland Dysfunction, Uncontrolled Hypertension, Pacemakers, Cancer, Heart Disease or Cardiac Arrhythmias, Liver or Kidney Disorders. The Lapex BCS LipoLaser is not recommended for anyone under the age of 18.
What is the protocol to utilize Glycerol and Free Fatty Acids after Lapex BCS treatment?
Our after treatment protocols recommend the use of the Whole Body Vibration machine to effectively utilize Free Fatty Acids and Glycerol, in addition to initiating the mechanism of lymphatic processes.
What does post vibration platform exercise do?
The underlying mechanism with whole body vibration is elicitation of muscular activity. The effects include increased blood flow, oxygenation and heat with release of hormone responses comparable to that found after resistance type exercise. Vibration exercise elicits a mild cardiovascular activity, and muscular mechanisms of fatigue, requiring energy. While fat, in the form of Fatty Acids, is a very desirable energy source, it is dependent on the presence of oxygen to be useful. Whole Body Vibration acts in two ways: (a) Stimulates muscles, which creates the need for energy. Free Fatty Acids are released by Lapex BCS which combine with oxygen and produce the energy needed for these muscles. (b) In circumstances where the energy is required by the body more quickly than oxygen can be delivered to the required location, the body will switch to its less energy efficient anaerobic system. When the body is using one of its anaerobic energy systems, it cannot utilize Free Fatty Acids, but it will simply generate less energy with a resulting greater depletion rate of glucose. This glucose is obtained from the released Glycerol and its conversion in the liver. A total length of 10 min on the Whole Body Vibration (exercise application) is equivalent to length and intensity of training stimulus that can be reached by performing 150 times leg press or half squat exercises with extra loads of 3 body mass twice a week for 5 weeks.
How many calories are burned in a 10 min session on the Whole Body Vibration at levels 1, 2 and 3?
A 10min Whole Body Vibration session could yield significant calorie loss. This could increase with intensifying the activity while on the machine. Note: It has been calculated that 10mins on the K1 Whole Body Vibration machine would be similar to approx a 6-10 km walk. Since 1 gram of fat has 9 calories, and a single Lapex BCS session releases approximately 40gms of fat, and will require approx. 360 calories to burn the fat released.